Cycle World’s Technical Treasure: Kevin Cameron

From: Cycle World Sunday Best - Sunday Jan 29,2023 11:32 am
From Apollo To MotoGP
Cycle World


When I joined Cycle World as a senior editor in 2018, I was beyond honored to join a short list of editors that have reached what I saw (and still do see) as the pinnacle of motorcycle content. I was excited to work under Mark Hoyer. His writing and integrity has inspired me to strive for the same, I can only hope one day my words will be as well constructed as his.

But I have a confession. I was terrified to edit CW’s long-running technical editor Kevin Cameron.

Since I was a teen, I’ve read Kevin. His uncanny knack to simply and clearly explain the most perplexing principles has always amazed me. And his ability to do it week-in and week-out for nearly half a decade now is nothing short of legendary. So when it came time to edit myself Kevin in May of 2018, my self-confidence and sure-footed demeanor was on shaky ground.

How could I add anything? Would he be upset if I rearranged his words for clarity? God forbid I actually found a technical error!

Shortly, fear turned to mild apprehension—and then to enjoyment. I get to read every single word Kevin puts out into the world before anyone else. Yeah I’m bragging a bit. It’s an honor that I often still don’t feel worthy of; but I do it, and relish the work, four-years on. And his emails, they’re a bonus—my own personal “Ask Kevin.”

There’s a tree behind the CW office with two lines marked in it. Only I know the spot. It’s a running tally of the times I’ve actually had a technical correction for Kevin, both times were minor errors, but nonetheless I felt honored to help him with the work that you all love to read just as much as I do. It's a big deal for that teenager inside me that still is blown away this is my work.

So this week, here are some of my recent favorites of Kevin Cameron. I’m honored to share them with you.

As always, there’s more than we can fit into this email. Check out for additional tests, reviews, and news.

Ride on,

Justin Dawes
Executive Editor

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